Texas Personal Injury Law Firm – Buzbee Law Firm – Just Win

What Is the Most Common Type of Burn, Generally?

According to the American Burn Association, thermal burns are the most common type of burn injury, accounting for 86% of all burn patients admitted to the ER annually. Burns in general are commonly caused by hot liquids, steam, flames, or flashes of electricity. 

Burns can cause severe harm and even death in extreme circumstances. Certain people are at a higher risk for burn injuries and must use extreme caution or seek medical attention to avoid serious complications. 

If you or someone you love has encountered any type of burn, it is important to seek medical attention first. We provide legal advice based on the many burn injury cases that we have handled. Learn about common burns and what legal rights you have if it has occurred to you.

What Is the Difference Between First, Second, Third, and Fourth Degree Burns?

Johns Hopkins Medicine states that the extent of burns can vary. The following is burn depth, measured in degrees by clinicians:

First-Degree Burns

The mildest sort of burn is a first-degree burn. They are also referred to as superficial burns. First-degree burns only affect the epidermis, or the top layer of skin. First-degree burns seldom become sick or leave a scar. The skin may become red, but it will not break and will normally heal within three to five days.

Second-Degree Burns

Partial thickness burns are another name for second-degree burns. This form of burn causes damage to both the epidermis and the dermis. The dermis is the skin’s second layer. 

Second-degree burns are excruciatingly painful. The wounded region may enlarge and become red and blistered. Unless the wound becomes infected or the harm becomes deeper, the injured skin normally heals on its own.

Third-Degree Burns

Third-degree burns are also referred to as full-thickness burns. This type of burn penetrates the epidermis and dermis, affecting deeper tissues that may be injured or killed. The wounded region may be burned and black, white, or deep red in hue. 

This area is frequently sensitive to light touch. Third-degree burns do not heal on their own, thus skin grafting is frequently required.

Fourth-Degree Burns

Burns of the fourth and deeper degrees destroy the skin, as well as fat, muscle, and even bone in some cases.

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Negligent Burn Injury Causes That You Can Sue for

The most common causes of burn injuries that personal injury lawyers file lawsuits on are the following accident types:

  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Workplace accidents
  • Defective products

Those involved in an automobile or truck accident may sustain burns from friction or flames if the impact is severe enough. Occupational dangers may exist on the job, but safety regulations should be followed to avoid harm. Similarly, a device that is manufactured with poor design has the potential to malfunction, ignite, or catch fire, resulting in burn injuries.

Who Has an Increased Risk of Suffering a Burn Injury?

While burns are a global health issue, the majority of burn victims fall under the following categories, according to the World Health Organization:

  • Children who are frequently exposed to hot liquids either through a non-fatal childhood injury or child abuse
  • Males are at high risk for burn injuries, primarily as a result of occupational hazards, but women are more likely to die from burns
  • Those who lack smoke detectors in the home

What Are the Most Common Sources of Burns?

The ABA reported the following as the most common source of burns:


Approximately 44% of all burn patients are admitted for flame or fire injuries. These types of injuries can be caused by inadequately creating an outdoor or indoor residential fire, difficulty with cooking, cigarettes left unattended, and a variety of other circumstances. 


Scalding accounts for around 33% of all burn injuries. Scalding injuries are caused by the contact of hot liquid or steam with the skin. This form of burn is most prevalent while cooking or food preparation, but it can also occur when bathing in hot water or boiling liquid for other uses, such as scented oils. 

Other Sources of Fire

Chemical burns, electrical burns, contact burns with hot surfaces, and other types of burns account for the remaining 23% of burn injuries each year. Sunburns fall into this group but rarely necessitate medical attention because they are often first-degree burns. 

How Much Money Will I Win From a Burn Injury Settlement?

The usual payout for a burn injury includes medical treatment required to treat the condition, any lost wages incurred as a result of the injury, and pain and suffering. There is no ceiling or minimum award amount for burn injury settlements, but it is normally determined by the facts of your case.

If you want to discover the value of your particular burn injury case, take advantage of a free consultation with a lawyer.

How Do I Get Legal Help After Suffering From a Burn Injury?

Burns, whether caused by a workplace accident, vehicle collision, defective product, or premise liability incident, can be legally addressed in court by victims wishing to seek compensation. Our knowledgeable legal team has handled many common burn injury cases as well as extreme burn injury claims.

If you wish to discuss your legal options in full detail or obtain more information on burn injury negligence, contact us at the Buzbee Law Firm.