Texas Personal Injury Law Firm – Buzbee Law Firm – Just Win


How Can You Resolve Your Texas Wrongful Death Claim?

Lawyers do not resolve all Texas wrongful death cases in the same way. Instead, your lawyer goes over all the facts about your case before moving forward and providing you with advice about your options.

In many cases, lawyers recommend:

A Texas Wrongful Death Settlement

If you want to avoid going to court, you have the option to settle with insurance companies after many wrongful death accidents in Texas. If you settle, you resolve your claim outside of the court system, generally after a period of negotiations with insurance agents.

Your legal team can handle all these negotiations on your behalf, allowing you to focus on caring for your family during this emotionally trying time. Settling also enables you to avoid court fees and generally takes less time than other legal options.

A Texas Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Your lawyer may also suggest filing a wrongful death lawsuit in Texas in some circumstances. For example, lawyers may recommend lawsuits if insurance agents refuse to negotiate fairly or if your case has certain complicating factors.

Lawyers focus on your specific situation before filing a lawsuit and discuss the option with you. Your legal team will also keep you informed about the progress of your claim, answering any questions that arise as they handle your case.